Meet Our Board Members

The Midway Independent School District's Board of Trustees is a group of seven dedicated community leaders who generously offer their time and expertise as volunteers. These Trustees have a combined 64 years of experience with the district, plus involvement as parents of 27 Midway students and graduates.

As members of the School Board, these individuals play a crucial role in shaping the direction and success of the district. Their responsibilities include hiring and evaluating the superintendent, adopting a district vision statement, setting the budget, establishing policies, and determining the tax rate each year.

It is worth noting that Midway ISD has maintained a 20-year low in its tax rate, with the rate for August 2022 set at $1.1246 per $100 valuation. This rate is the lowest per-pupil operational budget in McLennan County. Even considering the I&S rate (bonds for facilities), MISD is seventh lowest of 18 county districts. Additionally, all Texas residents over the age of 65 are eligible for "frozen" school district taxes, meaning that the amount they pay for school taxes will never increase, regardless of changes in the tax rate or property values.

Pete Rusek

Pete Rusek

Place I | term 2023-2026

Mr. Pete Rusek has been a Board member since 1996, serving as Board President since 2004. He is currently an attorney and shareholder with Sheehy, Lovelace, and Mayfield, P.C. He serves as a member of the Westside Rotary Club and on the Heart of Texas Goodwill Board. Pete and his wife, Robbie, have five Midway graduates and stay active supporting Midway extracurricular activities.

Susan Vick

Susan Vick

Vice President
Place II | term 2023-2026

Ms. Susan Vick is Midway's first female Vice President of the Board. She joined the Board in 2011. She is the mother of four Midway alumnae. She serves on the Baylor University's Mayborn Museum Board of Advocates. Vick is an active member of the Kappa Alpha Theta Alumni Association, St. Pauls’ Episcopal Church and has served on the board for Fidelity Bank of Texas and Strasburger Enterprises, Inc and as the President of the Cameron Park Zoological & Botanical Society. While her children were in MISD, she served in leadership roles on all PTAs, on campus and district committees as both parent and board representative and took part in Hunger Free MISD. She received the Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers Extended Service Award in 2016. Vick is a graduate of Baylor University.

Pam Watts

Pam Watts

Place V | 2022-2025

Mrs. Pam Watts joined the board in 2016 and is the current Board Secretary. Since joining the board, she has become a Master Trustee as a 2024 graduate of Leadership TASB, advocating for public education at the state and national levels. She and her husband Brent have four Midway graduates, all of whom attended Midway schools since kindergarten. Since 2000, Mrs. Watts has been an active Midway volunteer, serving in organizations such as PTA, booster clubs, and district advisory committees. Mrs. Watts now writes and advocates for “busy parents with active children” at her website, The Concession Stand. She remains active in the Midway chapter of Moms in Prayer International and serves along with her husband at Harris Creek Baptist Church.

Rick Tullis

Rick Tullis

Place VII | term 2022-2025

Mr. Rick Tullis joined the board in 2013. As retired President of Capstone Mechanical, Mr. Tullis has been active in supporting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) initiatives, including the Greater Waco Advanced Manufacturing Academy. His community involvement has included coaching youth sports, serving as President of the Waco Business League,  Board of Directors for the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Greater Waco Sports Commission, the Baylor School of Engineering Board of Advocates, and co-chairing the TriWaco triathlon. Mr. Tullis and his wife, Elizabeth, have four children—three Midway alumni and one current Midway student.

Brad Alford

Brad Alford

Place IV | term 2024-2027

Mr. Brad Alford joined the MISD Board of Trustees as a member in 2018. He is president of Alford Construction and past president of the Heart of Texas Home Builders Association (HOTBA). He currently serves on boards for the Central Texas YMCA, Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, and HOTBA. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University. Mr. Alford and his wife, Robin, have four Midway graduates. The Alfords are members of First United Methodist Church of Waco.

Colin Witt

Colin Witt

Place III | term 2024-2027

Mr. Colin Witt joined the board in 2021. He and his wife, Cindy, live in Hewitt and have two Midway graduates and a middle school student. Colin is a graduate of Baylor University, where he also worked for 18 years in marketing and technology. He is president of Clever Guys Media, a video production and live streaming company. He has volunteered with several Midway organizations including Band Backers and Choir Boosters. The Witts are active members of Highland Baptist Church.

Jonathan Green

Jonathan Green

Place VI | term 2022-2025

Mr. Jonathan Green, MHS Class of 2000, joined the school board in May 2022 in Place VI. The Place VI seat was formerly held by his father, Ivan Green, from 2000 to 2019. Mr. Green is a CPA and owner of J.A. Green Accounting Services and Bancin Business Services. His community service includes serving on the boards of the Midway Education Foundation, Midway Little League, McLennan County Appraisal District, and the Greater Waco Sports Commission. He is a Baylor alum and member of First Woodway Baptist Church. He and his wife Allison have three children currently attending Midway schools.