Our Vision:
Success for every Student in every Situation
Portrait of a Graduate
About Us:
The Office of Teaching & Learning coordinates the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the instructional program of the school district. Our office manages the Department of Special Education / 504 Services, Support Services, Assessment and Accountability, along with the district’s curricular areas, including elementary and secondary instruction, and Career & Technical Education. It is responsible for the development of instructional programs that will provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum in order to ensure high levels of learning for all MISD students.
Contact Us:
Teaching & Learning
13885 Woodway Drive, Woodway, TX 72612
Phone: 254-761-5613 / Fax: 254-761-5779
Email: teaching.learning@midwayisd.org
Grading Procedures
Standards-Based Reporting (K-2)
Midway ISD uses a standards-based report card for students in Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) creates a set of learning standards for each grade level and content areas. These standards describe what each child should learn and be able to do at each grade level in all subjects. The report card is designed to give specific information about a child's progress academically, socially, and emotionally. Standards-based report cards provide a higher level of consistency of expectations among teachers across the district. The report card helps students, teachers, and parents focus on learning standards, while at the same time giving students an opportunity to receive help if they are not making adequate progress. Parents will know which standards their child has learned and which skills their child needs to learn to be well-prepared for the next grade level.
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a school's multi-tiered approach to providing individualized interventions based on a student’s learning or behavioral needs. RtI integrates student assessment and instructional intervention in a prevention-oriented approach by linking assessment and instruction to inform educators’ decisions about how best to teach their students. A student's growth is closely monitored at each stage of intervention through screening, progress monitoring and data-driven decision making to determine the need for further research-based instruction and/or intervention in general education. There are three tiers in a response to intervention program designed to immediately provide increasingly intense levels of interventions until gaps are closed.
The goal of an RtI framework is to intervene early – when students begin to struggle with learning or behavior – to prevent the risk for long-term negative learning outcomes and the development of serious learning difficulties. Essentially, RtI targets individual student gaps in learning and behavior that prevent a student from learning grade level material.
Tier 1
Tier 1 is experienced by all students in the general education classroom and is characterized by differentiated core instruction and school-wide behavior management practices. If a student needs academic or behavioral support beyond what is typically provided at Tier 1, the student will be referred to the campus RtI team for possible placement in Tier 2 interventions. The purpose of Tier 1 is to provide all students access to essential grade-level curriculum and effective initial teaching. When the core is taught well, most students should succeed most of the time without the need for additional help.
Tier 2
At Tier 2, students receive supplemental help to master grade-level curriculum in a multi-tiered system of support. Since this support is focused on very specific essential standards and learning targets, placement into Tier 2 interventions must be timely, targeted, flexible, and fluid. Students who do not respond to Tier 2 interventions may be referred to RtI Tier 3 where they will experience more intensive interventions.
Tier 3
Some students need intensive remediation in foundational skills. This intensive remediation is the purpose of the third tier of interventions—Tier 3. Students can only develop these skills over time, so intensive interventions are provided for targeted students as part of their instructional day, and by highly trained staff in the student’s targeted area of need.
What is Universal Screening?
Universal screening is the first step in identifying the students who may be at risk for learning or behavior difficulties. Universal screeners are assessments that are typically brief and conducted with all students from a particular grade level three times per school year. All MISD campuses will employ universal screeners to gather data in the areas of literacy, numeracy and behavior in order to identify students who may be in need of intervention. All RtI decisions will be explicitly based on highly specific data.
Universal Screener Characteristics
Reading Universal Screeners Used
Math Universal Screeners Used
Universal Screeners are given at the beginning, middle, and end of the academic school year, typically in September/October, January, and May.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who benefits from RtI?
RtI is a general education approach in which students can benefit. RtI focuses on high-quality instruction for ALL students. All students’ performance and progress will be evaluated several times a year through universal screening assessments. Students will then be identified by teachers and/or school personnel to receive supplemental instruction to help fill in the learning gaps of students.
How do I know if my child has learning gaps and receiving RtI support?
The school will inform you if your child is identified as an at-risk student and is receiving tiered intervention through the RtI program. Parent letters will be sent by each campus at the beginning of the school year, and throughout the school year, if changes are made in the tier placement by the school’s RtI Team. Some students who only need reteaching of on-grade level content may receive short term interventions, but are not identified as RtI students. These types of interventions are routine and fluid and the school may not inform parents of these types of temporary reteaching opportunities.
How will I know if RtI is helping my child?
Every two to three weeks your child will be assessed to measure progress. The teacher uses this information to make sure the intervention is working. Be sure and make an appointment with your child’s teacher and meet with him or her to learn how your child’s needs are being met.
Can I refuse RtI support for my child?
Response to Intervention is a general education service for any student who may need additional time and support mastering foundational skills in reading and math. A parent cannot require a school to withhold general educational opportunities that are offered to all students. Midway ISD's response to a parent requesting to have the school withhold interventions for documented learning needs from a child will be to better understand the reason why there is a parental concern around the use of interventions designed to help a student learn at higher levels.
Is RtI part of special education?
No, Response to Intervention is part of the general education program and available to all students. Although RtI is not a special education program, it can help general education teachers pick up on early signs of learning differences. It can also play an important role in helping schools determine who qualifies for special education services.
How can I help my child who is receiving support through RtI?
Parents play a critical role in supporting their children's learning in school. The more parents are involved in student learning, the higher the student will achieve. Parents can educate themselves by asking questions to learn more about the process:
District MTSS/RtI Team
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework that focuses on intervention best practices within the areas of academics, behavior, and social/emotional supports for the whole child. The District level MTSS/RtI team is responsible for the areas within the MTSS system that must be adhered to district wide and the areas in which each campus has its own autonomy. The team also meets regularly to hold candid discussions regarding the district's MTSS/RtI structures and procedures to find areas of improvement.
District Representatives
Campus Administrators
Campus RtI Team
Each campus RtI team is charged with building consensus about the school’s mission of collective responsibility for student learning. The team brings forth recommendations and then implements the structures and supports that ensure students who require extra time and support to learn at high levels receive them. The team is also responsible for making timely decisions regarding student support based on the available data.
The Midway ISD supports high quality research that addresses well-formed research questions of educational importance. Conversely, the district has moral and legal obligations that require oversight of research activities that make use of district resources such as data, facilities, employee time, or access to students.
The Proposal to Conduct Research Form (GNC LOCAL) should be submitted to the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction prior to the researcher finalizing his/her topic of study.
External research proposals must demonstrate clear and direct educational value to the district and not just to the body of educational research in general; be minimally disruptive to the educational process; manifest a sound research methodology, and comply with current privacy laws. The potential direct benefit to Midway ISD must outweigh demands on district resources, particularly on staff and student time. Midway ISD strongly encourages and gives priority to external research projects that contribute to or complement the district's research agenda.
Once your research request has been reviewed you will be notified by email if:
Please note:
Site-Based Decision Making
Midway ISD's district-level site-based decision-making committee advises the superintendent on educational goals and objectives. This committee is known as the Midway Advisory & Strategy Team, or MAST. The team includes campus level professional staff representatives (2/3 classroom teachers), parents of students enrolled in the district, business representatives, and community members. Campus Leadership Teams (CLT) serve a similar function for each school.
Role of the MAST
The MAST was established to advise the superintendent in the following roles:
Participation in MAST
All meetings are open to the public. We encourage parents and members of our community to join us. If you would like to attend a committee meeting, please contact the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. If you would like to join a campus based-site team, please contact your campus principal.
MAST Meetings & Agendas: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dIwn6i-nx7dDA3P4_7lcpco02pmReyy6?usp=drive_link
Title I
Parent * Student * Teacher * Administrator Compact
Midway ISD, in partnership with our community, provides a safe, pleasant, attractive and technologically advanced environment. A curriculum, taught through a variety of strategies, results in a challenging learning experience for our diverse student population, allowing them to be well adjusted and to achieve their full potential.
The mission of Midway ISD, a district at the forefront of educating today's youth and tomorrow's leaders, is to maximize individual potential within a learner-centered environment to prepare citizens who excel in a global society.
Midway I.S.D. is committed to our district mission and, as a result, we want to work collaboratively with parents in the community.
Parents play an extremely important role as children's first teachers. Their support for their children and for the school is critical to their children's success at every step along the way. Midway ISD and parents will work together to meet goals for our students. The desired outcome is a school-home partnership that will help all students in the district to succeed; enhancing the capacity for strong, meaningful parent involvement.
Title I Parent*Student*Teacher*Administrator Compact
At Midway ISD, we envision a school and home partnership which provides the highest level of success for each individual. We make a commitment to challenge, to motivate, and to inspire each other to reach our goals. To accomplish this partnership, it is important for parents, teachers, administrators, and students to work together as a team. Please review the responsibilities listed below with your child.
As the parent of a student in Midway ISO, I will do my personal best to:
As a student in Midway ISD, I will do my personal best to:
As a teacher in Midway ISD, I will do my personal best to:
As an administrator in Midway ISO, I will do my personal best to:
Politica de la implicacion del padre del districto
Midway ISO, en sociedad con nuestra comunidad, proporciona un ambiente seguro, agradable, atractivo y tecnologico avanzado. Un plan de estudios, ensenado con una variedad de estrategias, da lugar a una experiencia de aprendizaje estimulante para nuestra poblacion de estudiantes diversas, permitiendo que sean equilibrados y que alcancen su capacidad maxima.
La mision de Midway ISO, un districto en la vanguardia de educar la juventud de hoy ya lideres de manana, es maximizar potencial individual dentro de un ambiente principiante-centrado para preparar a los ciudadanos que sobresalen en una sociedad global.
Midway ISO esta confiado a nuestra mision del districto y, consecuentemente, queremos trabajar de colaboracion con los padres en la comunidad. Los padres desemper'ian un papel extremadamente importante como primeros profesores de los ninos. Su ayuda para sus ninos y para la escuela es critica al exito de sus ninos en cada paso del camino de su vida. Midway ISD y los padres trabajaran juntas para resolver las metas para nuestros estudiantes. El resultado deseado es una sociedad de la escuela-hogar que ayudara a todos los estudiantes en el districto a tener exito; aumentando la capacidad para la participacion de las familias.
Titulo I Padre * Estudiante * Maestro * Administrador Compacto
En Midway ISD, visualizamos una asociación entre la escuela y el hogar que brinda el más alto nivel de éxito para cada individuo. Nos comprometemos a desafiar, motivar e inspirarnos unos a otros para alcanzar nuestras metas. Para lograr esta asociación, es importante que los padres, maestros, administradores y estudiantes trabajen juntos como un equipo. Por favor revise las responsabilidades que se enumeran a continuación con su hijo.
Compacto de padres / tutores
Como padre de un estudiante en Midway ISD, haré mi mejor esfuerzo para:
Compacto de estudiantes
Como estudiante de Midway ISD, haré mi mejor esfuerzo para:
Compacto de maestros
Como maestro en Midway ISD, haré mi mejor para:
Administrador Compacto:
Como administrador de Midway ISD, haré mi mayor esfuerzo para: