Panther Kids is a user-funded after-school program that takes pride in creating a fun and safe environment for students PreK - 8th grade. Each day, groups transition through various stations such as snack, outside playtime (weather permitting), gym time, table games, and arts & crafts activities. We facilitate the opportunity for students to do homework or read, but Panther Kids is unable to provide formal tutoring.
Each campus has an adult site director and assistant director. Panther Kids elementary staff are comprised of high school and college age group leads at a ratio of 1 to 12, and some adult group leads at a ratio of 1 to 24. Panther Kids middle school staff are comprised of adult staff at a ratio of 1 to 24. Staff members are first aid trained but not skilled medical professionals. Program staff does not include any nurses or specialized personnel.
Annette Odell
Panther Kids Manager
254-761-5610, ext. 1143
Midway ISD students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade must register for Panther Kids each year. Students who are registered, but cannot enroll because spots are not available will be put on a waitlist. You will be notified by email if your child/children has been enrolled or are put on the waitlist.
**Enrollment does not carry over to the next school year; therefore all families must register each school year and pay the annual $25.00 nonrefundable registration fee.
Do youhave a child going to kindergarten?
When you register your child for kindergarten and youare needing after-school care, you must still register separately for PantherKids after-school care program through EZ Child Track. Please be aware there is a nonrefundable$25.00 registration fee. Also, there isa monthly tuition payment due on the 1st of each month for 9months. Additionally, families mustregister for Panther Kids after-school car program each year.
Panther Kids has tiered registration:
TBA – Currently enrolled families begins
TBA – Families on the current year waitlist begins
TBA – Open enrollment begins
Panther Kids is self-funded through fees paid by guardians of children enrolled. Registration fees and tuition must be paid online by credit card or e-check. Payments will not be accepted at the schools.
Panther Kids offers a reduced tuition rate for students who qualify for the free or reduced meal program. It is the parents' responsibility to notify Panther Kids if their children have qualified for the free/reduced meal program or if the parent is a full-time employee of the school district.
Apply for free/ reduced meals EACH YEAR by clicking Food Service under Meal Information on the Midway ISD website under Back to School Guide beginning July 1 for the following school year. Benefits from previous year carry over for 30 days into the next school year.
Payment—Yearly fees for Panther Kids program
Methods of payment- Monthly payments are solely made through the EZ Child Track parent portal by credit/debit card ($2.50 fee/mo.) money order or e-check ($.75 fee/mo.). Fees are subject to change. Automatic draft (Auto-pay) is also an option.
Payments exceeding your balance will show up as credit (-$0.00) on your account. Payments will automatically deduct from credit on your account until fully paid, or it uses all remaining credit and leaves a balance.
Late fees/Payments – A $15 late fee will be applied on the 4th calendar day of the month. If the monthly tuition, including the late fee, is not received by the 16th of the month, the account will be delinquent, and the student(s) will not attend Panther Kids until balance is paid. Student(s) may also be withdrawn or dismissed from Panther Kids due to insufficient funds given as payment. The student(s) may be withdrawn from the program upon habitual late payments of tuition late fees and not be allowed to re-enroll in Panther Kids for the remainder of the current school year.
It is the Primary Account Holder’s responsibility to keep all account information & payments current by selecting “pay now” or “set up/edit/cancel auto pay” which is done by logging into EZ Child Track account. If you experience difficulties, contact Panther Kids' central administrative office at 254-761-5610 x1184.
Refunds - There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, quarantine, payment or pick up policy violations, withdrawing after the 1st day of the month, etc.). You may re-apply at a future time if your account is closed in good standing. Enrollment is contingent upon available space and you will be required to pay a new, non-refundable registration fee of $25.
Pick up/Communication/Account changes - Student(s) must be picked up starting at 3:45 pm and no later than 5:30 pm for elementary and 5:45 p.m. for middle school each day. A late pick-up fee of $10 will be charged at the start of each 15-minute interval that the student is picked up late. The late charge will be automatically posted to the Primary Account Holder’s EZ Child Track account. Habitual late pick-up can result in the withdrawal of your child(ren) from the Panther Kids program.
DON’T ASSUME THAT NOTIFYING THE TEACHER OR SCHOOL OFFICE MEANS THE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PANTHER KIDS’ STAFF. Please contact your campus site director by email or phone by calling the Panther Kids campus and selecting Panther Kids option.
REFUND POLICY - Annual, family registration fee of $25.00 is non-refundable. There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, school closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, etc.). There will be no refunds for families whose child/ children are dismissed due to behavior, four late payments, four late pick-ups, or who withdraw after the 1st day of the month.
TAX STATEMENT for the prior calendar year may be printed from your EZ Child Track account at the end of January in the Payments & Statements section by clicking on View Statement. Tax statement for the previous year is on the right of that page. Our Tax ID number is: 1-74-6001082, which is on the upper left portion of the Tax Statement.
Days of operation: Monday - Friday
Hours of operation:
Elementary campuses: After school until - 5:30pm
The earliest a student can be picked up from panther kids is 3:45 p.m. If your student(s) needs to be picked up before then, please contact the school and change their status to car pick-up.
Middle school campuses: After school until - 5:45pm
*No Panther Kids on days school is closed or early release day*
Tax ID number is on the top left of the statement, under the address.
The top portion shows “Payments” actually made from Jan. 1- Dec. 31.
The bottom portion shows the “Expenses Incurred” Jan. 1- Dec. 31 (for instance, the Jan. 2022 tuition is actually incurred (shows up on your EZ Child Track account) on Dec. 27, 2021 but isn’t due until Jan. 1, 2022; therefore, it can be and is usually paid Jan. 1 or after; therefore, it would show up on the next year’s 2022 tax statement.)
Midway ISD EMPLOYEES who use PRD:
If you pay Panther Kids’ monthly tuition through payroll deduction, look for an email sent by Shana McCune or Sabrina Cook with the subject line, “Midway ISD Panther Kids Tuition Receipt” in the spring.
If you paid for camps online, you will need to follow above EZ Child Track directions to print your tax statement for those payments.
Midway ISD students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade must register for Panther Kids each year. Students who are registered, but cannot enroll because spots are not available will be put on a waitlist. You will be notified by email if your child/children has been enrolled or are put on the waitlist.
**Enrollment does not carry over to the next school year; therefore all families must register each school year and pay the annual $25.00 nonrefundable registration fee.
Do youhave a child going to kindergarten?
When you register your child for kindergarten and youare needing after-school care, you must still register separately for PantherKids after-school care program through EZ Child Track. Please be aware there is a nonrefundable$25.00 registration fee. Also, there isa monthly tuition payment due on the 1st of each month for 9months. Additionally, families mustregister for Panther Kids after-school car program each year.
Panther Kids has tiered registration:
TBA – Currently enrolled families begins
TBA – Families on the current year waitlist begins
TBA – Open enrollment begins
Panther Kids is self-funded through fees paid by guardians of children enrolled. Registration fees and tuition must be paid online by credit card or e-check. Payments will not be accepted at the schools.
Panther Kids offers a reduced tuition rate for students who qualify for the free or reduced meal program. It is the parents' responsibility to notify Panther Kids if their children have qualified for the free/reduced meal program or if the parent is a full-time employee of the school district.
Apply for free/ reduced meals EACH YEAR by clicking Food Service under Meal Information on the Midway ISD website under Back to School Guide beginning July 1 for the following school year. Benefits from previous year carry over for 30 days into the next school year.
Payment—Yearly fees for Panther Kids program
Methods of payment- Monthly payments are solely made through the EZ Child Track parent portal by credit/debit card ($2.50 fee/mo.) money order or e-check ($.75 fee/mo.). Fees are subject to change. Automatic draft (Auto-pay) is also an option.
Payments exceeding your balance will show up as credit (-$0.00) on your account. Payments will automatically deduct from credit on your account until fully paid, or it uses all remaining credit and leaves a balance.
Late fees/Payments – A $15 late fee will be applied on the 4th calendar day of the month. If the monthly tuition, including the late fee, is not received by the 16th of the month, the account will be delinquent, and the student(s) will not attend Panther Kids until balance is paid. Student(s) may also be withdrawn or dismissed from Panther Kids due to insufficient funds given as payment. The student(s) may be withdrawn from the program upon habitual late payments of tuition late fees and not be allowed to re-enroll in Panther Kids for the remainder of the current school year.
It is the Primary Account Holder’s responsibility to keep all account information & payments current by selecting “pay now” or “set up/edit/cancel auto pay” which is done by logging into EZ Child Track account. If you experience difficulties, contact Panther Kids' central administrative office at 254-761-5610 x1184.
Refunds - There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, quarantine, payment or pick up policy violations, withdrawing after the 1st day of the month, etc.). You may re-apply at a future time if your account is closed in good standing. Enrollment is contingent upon available space and you will be required to pay a new, non-refundable registration fee of $25.
Pick up/Communication/Account changes - Student(s) must be picked up starting at 3:45 pm and no later than 5:30 pm for elementary and 5:45 p.m. for middle school each day. A late pick-up fee of $10 will be charged at the start of each 15-minute interval that the student is picked up late. The late charge will be automatically posted to the Primary Account Holder’s EZ Child Track account. Habitual late pick-up can result in the withdrawal of your child(ren) from the Panther Kids program.
DON’T ASSUME THAT NOTIFYING THE TEACHER OR SCHOOL OFFICE MEANS THE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PANTHER KIDS’ STAFF. Please contact your campus site director by email or phone by calling the Panther Kids campus and selecting Panther Kids option.
REFUND POLICY - Annual, family registration fee of $25.00 is non-refundable. There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, school closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, etc.). There will be no refunds for families whose child/ children are dismissed due to behavior, four late payments, four late pick-ups, or who withdraw after the 1st day of the month.
TAX STATEMENT for the prior calendar year may be printed from your EZ Child Track account at the end of January in the Payments & Statements section by clicking on View Statement. Tax statement for the previous year is on the right of that page. Our Tax ID number is: 1-74-6001082, which is on the upper left portion of the Tax Statement.
Days of operation: Monday - Friday
Hours of operation:
Elementary campuses: After school until - 5:30pm
The earliest a student can be picked up from panther kids is 3:45 p.m. If your student(s) needs to be picked up before then, please contact the school and change their status to car pick-up.
Middle school campuses: After school until - 5:45pm
*No Panther Kids on days school is closed or early release day*
Tax ID number is on the top left of the statement, under the address.
The top portion shows “Payments” actually made from Jan. 1- Dec. 31.
The bottom portion shows the “Expenses Incurred” Jan. 1- Dec. 31 (for instance, the Jan. 2022 tuition is actually incurred (shows up on your EZ Child Track account) on Dec. 27, 2021 but isn’t due until Jan. 1, 2022; therefore, it can be and is usually paid Jan. 1 or after; therefore, it would show up on the next year’s 2022 tax statement.)
Midway ISD EMPLOYEES who use PRD:
If you pay Panther Kids’ monthly tuition through payroll deduction, look for an email sent by Shana McCune or Sabrina Cook with the subject line, “Midway ISD Panther Kids Tuition Receipt” in the spring.
If you paid for camps online, you will need to follow above EZ Child Track directions to print your tax statement for those payments.
Midway ISD students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade must register for Panther Kids each year. Students who are registered, but cannot enroll because spots are not available will be put on a waitlist. You will be notified by email if your child/children has been enrolled or are put on the waitlist.
**Enrollment does not carry over to the next school year; therefore all families must register each school year and pay the annual $25.00 nonrefundable registration fee.
Do youhave a child going to kindergarten?
When you register your child for kindergarten and youare needing after-school care, you must still register separately for PantherKids after-school care program through EZ Child Track. Please be aware there is a nonrefundable$25.00 registration fee. Also, there isa monthly tuition payment due on the 1st of each month for 9months. Additionally, families mustregister for Panther Kids after-school car program each year.
Panther Kids has tiered registration:
TBA – Currently enrolled families begins
TBA – Families on the current year waitlist begins
TBA – Open enrollment begins
Panther Kids is self-funded through fees paid by guardians of children enrolled. Registration fees and tuition must be paid online by credit card or e-check. Payments will not be accepted at the schools.
Panther Kids offers a reduced tuition rate for students who qualify for the free or reduced meal program. It is the parents' responsibility to notify Panther Kids if their children have qualified for the free/reduced meal program or if the parent is a full-time employee of the school district.
Apply for free/ reduced meals EACH YEAR by clicking Food Service under Meal Information on the Midway ISD website under Back to School Guide beginning July 1 for the following school year. Benefits from previous year carry over for 30 days into the next school year.
Payment—Yearly fees for Panther Kids program
Methods of payment- Monthly payments are solely made through the EZ Child Track parent portal by credit/debit card ($2.50 fee/mo.) money order or e-check ($.75 fee/mo.). Fees are subject to change. Automatic draft (Auto-pay) is also an option.
Payments exceeding your balance will show up as credit (-$0.00) on your account. Payments will automatically deduct from credit on your account until fully paid, or it uses all remaining credit and leaves a balance.
Late fees/Payments – A $15 late fee will be applied on the 4th calendar day of the month. If the monthly tuition, including the late fee, is not received by the 16th of the month, the account will be delinquent, and the student(s) will not attend Panther Kids until balance is paid. Student(s) may also be withdrawn or dismissed from Panther Kids due to insufficient funds given as payment. The student(s) may be withdrawn from the program upon habitual late payments of tuition late fees and not be allowed to re-enroll in Panther Kids for the remainder of the current school year.
It is the Primary Account Holder’s responsibility to keep all account information & payments current by selecting “pay now” or “set up/edit/cancel auto pay” which is done by logging into EZ Child Track account. If you experience difficulties, contact Panther Kids' central administrative office at 254-761-5610 x1184.
Refunds - There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, quarantine, payment or pick up policy violations, withdrawing after the 1st day of the month, etc.). You may re-apply at a future time if your account is closed in good standing. Enrollment is contingent upon available space and you will be required to pay a new, non-refundable registration fee of $25.
Pick up/Communication/Account changes - Student(s) must be picked up starting at 3:45 pm and no later than 5:30 pm for elementary and 5:45 p.m. for middle school each day. A late pick-up fee of $10 will be charged at the start of each 15-minute interval that the student is picked up late. The late charge will be automatically posted to the Primary Account Holder’s EZ Child Track account. Habitual late pick-up can result in the withdrawal of your child(ren) from the Panther Kids program.
DON’T ASSUME THAT NOTIFYING THE TEACHER OR SCHOOL OFFICE MEANS THE INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE PANTHER KIDS’ STAFF. Please contact your campus site director by email or phone by calling the Panther Kids campus and selecting Panther Kids option.
REFUND POLICY - Annual, family registration fee of $25.00 is non-refundable. There will be no refunds for circumstances beyond our control (i.e. weather closings, school closings, building emergencies, behavioral suspensions, student illness, etc.). There will be no refunds for families whose child/ children are dismissed due to behavior, four late payments, four late pick-ups, or who withdraw after the 1st day of the month.
TAX STATEMENT for the prior calendar year may be printed from your EZ Child Track account at the end of January in the Payments & Statements section by clicking on View Statement. Tax statement for the previous year is on the right of that page. Our Tax ID number is: 1-74-6001082, which is on the upper left portion of the Tax Statement.
Days of operation: Monday - Friday
Hours of operation:
Elementary campuses: After school until - 5:30pm
The earliest a student can be picked up from panther kids is 3:45 p.m. If your student(s) needs to be picked up before then, please contact the school and change their status to car pick-up.
Middle school campuses: After school until - 5:45pm
*No Panther Kids on days school is closed or early release day*
Tax ID number is on the top left of the statement, under the address.
The top portion shows “Payments” actually made from Jan. 1- Dec. 31.
The bottom portion shows the “Expenses Incurred” Jan. 1- Dec. 31 (for instance, the Jan. 2022 tuition is actually incurred (shows up on your EZ Child Track account) on Dec. 27, 2021 but isn’t due until Jan. 1, 2022; therefore, it can be and is usually paid Jan. 1 or after; therefore, it would show up on the next year’s 2022 tax statement.)
Midway ISD EMPLOYEES who use PRD:
If you pay Panther Kids’ monthly tuition through payroll deduction, look for an email sent by Shana McCune or Sabrina Cook with the subject line, “Midway ISD Panther Kids Tuition Receipt” in the spring.
If you paid for camps online, you will need to follow above EZ Child Track directions to print your tax statement for those payments.