


Movement in Major Roles

Superintendent Dr. George Kazanas’s philosophy to grow leaders pays off when positions open up in Midway ISD. Due to impending retirements from two assistant superintendents, a domino effect is leading to new placements in several major roles for the upcoming school year.

Announcing Midway's Newest Assistant Superintendents

MISD’s newest additions to the district executive team embody the vision of Innovation, Commitment, and Excellence.

Jamie Beavers Selected as National Content Generation Award and Adviser’s Challenge Winner

Midway High School Journalism Teacher Jamie Beavers is being honored this year with not only one, but two professional awards.

H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards Recognize Kanawyer as Principal of the Year Finalist

Woodgate Intermediate School Principal Wes Kanawyer received quite the surprise when H-E-B representatives visited his campus to share the news of his selection as an Excellence in Education Awards Finalist.