
Midway Board Member to Take Part in Leadership TASB

Midway ISD Board of Trustees Secretary Pam Watts has been accepted as a member of the 2024 Leadership TASB Class. She is one of 36 school board leaders from across the state who will be taking part in advanced educational and leadership training through the Texas Association of School Boards.

Board member reading to kids

Leadership TASB is a yearlong board development program for experienced trustees that offers participants the opportunity to hear from leadership and education experts, visit successful schools to learn about innovative programs, and engage in immersive experiences designed to inform and enhance leadership skills.

"I am deeply honored to have been selected for membership into the Leadership TASB Class of 2024," Watts said. "I consider this a great privilege and am eager to serve."

The Leadership TASB program was developed to examine best practices and research-based techniques for leading school improvement efforts through policy, collaboration, and community engagement. The program aims to inform and empower education leaders as they continue setting and achieving high expectations, leading to better educational outcomes for Texas public school students.

Sep 8, 2023