Midway FFA Teams showcased their skills at the Area 8 LDE Contest on Nov. 22, with the Greenhand Quiz and Ag Issues teams each earning an impressive 3rd place overall finish.

“Our kids put in a ton of work, and it really shows,” said Midway High School FFA teacher Makenzy McCormick. “The passion these kids have make us Ag Teachers so excited for the future.”
Teams advanced to Area after a strong performance at the Bosque River District LDE Contest on Nov. 4, where nearly fifty students across 14 teams competed. Eight Midway teams earned a spot in the Area round of competition.
The teams that advanced to Area included Greenhand Chapter Conducting, Senior Chapter Conducting, Job Interview, Ag Issues, Greenhand Quiz, Ag Advocacy, Senior Skills, and Greenhand Skills, with participants ranging from middle schoolers to high school seniors.

“Competing in this event requires us to gain a lot of knowledge that’s beyond what’s expected of high schoolers,” said Jeremiah Ocampos, a competitor in Public Relations. “We have to adapt, grow, and rise to the challenge.”
Midway FFA has continued to excel, earning a Two-Star Chapter title at the 2023 National Chapter Awards, a prestigious recognition for chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of FFA. This past spring, the Wildlife Team placed 6th out of 250 teams at the State contest, and one student earned 7th place out of 230 individuals.
“The collaborative spirit of being on a team has really helped me improve my ability to work with others,” said Ag Advocacy team member Jaxon Kees. “It’s given me a deeper understanding of how to collaborate and contribute to something bigger than myself.”

Midway ISD is proud of the hard work and dedication our FFA students have shown this season and looks forward to their continued success in the Spring.