In a night full of friendly competition, athletes showcasing their skills, and enthusiastic support from Panther Nation, Midway High School kicked off the 2022-2023 basketball season with their first Hoopfest celebration.

During the event, students, staff, parents, and Panther fans were entertained by performances from the high school cheerleaders, a student layup and free throw competition, and the faculty ‘Hot Shot’ competition.
“The community was so supportive and turned out to cheer on the Panthers and Patherettes,” Midway High School English teacher and faculty competition participant Sarah Barry said. “It was wonderful to see each of the teams from freshman to varsity introduced and be able to showcase their talents.”
In addition to the Midway basketball players, four staff members voted on by the student body also had a chance to put their skills to the test during the faculty ‘Hot Shot’ shooting competition. Midway High School teachers Coleman Crosby, Sarah Barry, Jordyn Baugh, and Stephen Petree were paired with varsity basketball players as they competed to make the most baskets from a variety of spots around the court.
“I ended up getting the opportunity to participate in the festivities through the faculty shooting competition thanks to the votes of my students who seem to think their 5’7” Spanish teacher must possess some magical basketball abilities that I have never mentioned,” Midway High School Spanish teacher Coleman Crosby said.
Crosby also said that while his basketball skills in the shooting competition may have been lacking, he still had a wonderful time watching his students receive recognition as their season started.
“There was a solid turnout of support for the students, especially in the inaugural year of Hoopfest,” Crosby said. “We enjoyed the evening and hope to see the tradition continue.”