Woodway Elementary Assistant Principal Lauren Phipps is one of just 20 administrators statewide who have been named Region Assistant Principals of the Year by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association (TEPSA).

"As the 2025 Region 12 Assistant Principal of the Year, she is being recognized through this peer-based program for her commitment to supporting student success and staff success, demonstrated by exceptional leadership on her campus," Midway ISD Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services Paul Offill said.
One TEPSA Region AP of the Year will be selected as the 2025 NAESP National Assistant Principal of the Year for Texas.

“Lauren has played a pivotal role in creating a supportive and dynamic learning environment in her school community," TEPSA Executive Director Harley Eckhart said in a news release. "We are proud to recognize Lauren’s leadership and dedication to ensuring students are engaged, and achieve success throughout their education."
Honorees will be recognized at the TEPSA Legacy Luncheon Wednesday, June 11 at the Round Rock Kalahari.