
Eight Midway Students Receive Award for Aspirations in Computing

Each year, the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) recognizes students for their accomplishments and goals in computing and technology. This year, eight Midway High School students are being honored as recipients of the 2022 NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. 

Group of eight Midway High School students honored as 2022 Award for Aspirations in Computing recipients.

Congratulations to the following Midway High School student recipients of the 2022 NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing:

Affiliate Honorable Mention:
Louisa Houser
Hannah Lee

Affiliate Rising Star:
Esther Kim
Priya West

National Certificate of Distinction:
Kiersten Benson
Julia Moore
Caitlyn Gaines
Lillian Goodman

Each of these high school awardees is being recognized for their academic excellence, leadership, computing-related achievements and interests, and future goals in computing and technology.

Over 3,500 applications were submitted this year from around the globe, so this group of Midway students truly stood out from the crowd!

May 4, 2022