
MHS Journalsim, Photography Students Win 17 State UIL Awards

UIL’s Interscholastic League Press (ILPC) Individual Achievement Awards honor the top high school journalists in Texas. This spring, several Midway students and two graduates were honored with 17 awards for yearbook and newspaper work they produced between February 2021 and February 2022.

Students sit on stairs reading newspaper.

Their work was recognized in each of the following categories with many students winning multiple awards in the same category or being awarded in more than one category:

Photo Story:
Emma Walker — Honorable mention for a color guard photo series and layout.
Lauren Sincerney — Honorable mention for a homecoming photo series and layout.

Student Art:
Victoria Hasbun (graduate) — Second place for a portrait of George Floyd.

Victoria Hasbun (graduate) — First place for art accompanying a story on teachers.
Victoria Hasbun (graduate) — Second place for a story on the February snowstorm.

Feature Page/Spread Design:
Alyssa Utrera — Honorable mention for a Halloween candy review page layout.

General News Photo:
Christy Carmack — Second place for a photo of the homecoming queen being crowned.
Gabbi Bouydston (graduate) — Third place for a photo of a student getting a COVID vaccine.

Students sit on stairs holding yearbook they created.

Feature Photo:
Christy Carmack — Third place for a photo of a band student cheering in the stands.

Entertainment Photo:
Tatyana Chambers — Second place for a photo of color guard performing at halftime.
Claire Peebles — Honorable mention for a photo of Blue Crew performing at a pep rally.

Sports Action Photo:
Nathan Lamkin — Second place for a photo of the powder puff quarterback in action.
Nathan Lamkin — Third place for a photo of a softball base runner.

Sports Feature Photo:
Christy Carmack — Second place for a photo of cheerleaders at homecoming.

Photo Portfolio:
Nathan Lamkin — Honorable mention for photos published in The Panther Post.
David Garcia-Juarez — Honorable mention for photos published in The Panther Post.

Panther Post Staff — Honorable mention for article headlines during the 2021-2021school year.

Jun 1, 2022