After completing the rigorous All-State audition process, two Midway High School students are among the highest-ranking orchestra students in the state. Sophomore Esther Kim and junior Alanna Schubert were recently selected as members of the 2022-2023 Texas Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra, which is the highest honor an orchestra student in Texas can receive. This also marks Alanna’s third year in a row to earn All-State Orchestra honors.

“It is truly a luxury having these two ladies in orchestra,” Midway High School Orchestra Director Dr. Beau Benson said. “They work extremely hard and play incredibly maturely. Their presence inspires everyone around them to perform at the highest level.”
Esther and Alanna began the All-State audition process in the fall with over 70,000 high school students from across the state. Starting at the regional level, individual musicians performed selected music for a panel of judges who ranked each student.
From this ranking, Esther and Alanna were among a select group of musicians who advanced to the area competitions. After a final round of auditions, they were ultimately selected to perform as members of an All-State ensemble alongside the best high school orchestra students in the state at the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention, which will be held next month in San Antonio.
While qualifying for All-State Orchestra opens doors for scholarship opportunities, Benson says the true value is in the experience.
“From the skills gained in preparing for the audition to the practical experience of playing extremely challenging repertoire at a high level and the chance to get to know top professionals in their field at the convention, these students receive a huge boost to their musicianship,” Benson said.